Monday, March 29, 2004

One Channel

HEY!! So Apprentice last week was very good.. It is going to be very interesting this week to see who gets booted.

So we are back to one channel.. It is kinda nice.... I only have one choice again. Life is simple. But we have been so busy moving in and being in a real house takes a lot of work. There is a lot of house repairs to make. Lots of painting to be done. So I haven't had any time really to watch the Boob Tube. Our for that matter even blog.

Work is getting busy. We are getting towards crunch time which means I need to get all my summer staff hired, staff manual finished and get ready to start training folks.

And the farther time ticks the closer to being a DAD I get.

We have decided if it is going to be a boy that we are going to name him Ephraim and if it is a girl the name is going to be Emma.

Well more later...

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